OUR Vote!


Black voters are the most powerful voters in America. Help boost Black voter turnout and ask our Senators to pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Act. Your Vote is Your Power!

STILL We Rise!

Support education, creativity and innovation


The NAACP Michigan State Conference provides leadership, coordination of activities, and support for local NAACP branches, youth councils, high school chapters and college chapters across the state of Michigan which are necessary to unify our communities and amplify and sustain our efforts.

State conferences are divided into seven (7) regions. Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Indiana, West Virginia and Wisconsin are located in the NAACP Midwest Region 3.


Our Vote Our Voice, A Vote for democracy

We need to mobilize millions to ensure the highest turnout ever! We also know that if people of color and specifically black voters participated in elections at the same rate as white voters have we would have a progressive majority. Black voters are skeptical of the political establishment, unhappy with the limited choices of candidates, frustrated with structural and institutional racism, slow job growth, no wage growth, the rising costs of health care, the rising cost of college tuition, the rising cost of housing, and disturbed about police brutality and violence in our communities. 


youth & College Division News

The NAACP believes strongly that future leaders must be developed today, and such development is ongoing in the Youth & College Division, created in 1936. Nationally, there are more than 25,000 young people, under the age of 25, representing 550 Junior Youth Councils, Youth Councils, High School Chapters and College Chapters actively involved in the fight for civil rights. The NAACP has one of the largest organized groups of young people of any secular organization in the country.


leading the fight to end racial inequality


Each and every NAACP member makes a difference to the complex, ongoing work of advancing racial equity. We have driven the hardest-fought wins for civil rights and social justice — with you by our side, we can accelerate the next milestones for Black Americans.

Join The Fight For Freedom

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Feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns


(313) 835-9671 Tuesday to Thursday, from 10:00 AM to 5:00 PM ET & Friday 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM

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